Erin Hottenstein for Health District of Northern Larimer County
Meet Erin
Leadership. Communication. Trust.
Bringing Women's Voices to the Table
Erin Hottenstein is the founder of Colorado 50-50, a non-partisan group that encourages women to serve on boards, commissions, and in elected office. Elected women officials have shared their experiences and encouraged women to get on a path to leadership.
More than 750 people have attended the programs over the last six years, including many from underrepresented groups. Their daily presence on social media helped to get out the vote in the last several elections.
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Her wealth of experience covering all levels of government as a journalist, her drive to bring gender parity to elected positions throughout the state, which led her to start Colorado 50-50, her willingness to really listen and work for her constituents, and her experience running a family-owned small business make Erin a strong candidate.
Join Team Hottenstein and help bring Erin’s leadership to the Health District of Northern Larimer County.